Toriality's Blog

The Entire History of Video Games


June 16, 2024 at 8:08 PM


July 17, 2024 at 3:23 PM





May 26, 2023




May 29, 2024


June 15, 2024





The Entire History of Video Games


Rating: 10.0

This video covers the full history of both console and computer video games, all its various challenges and changes throughout the decades. I found it to be really interesting and informative, I'll definitely give it a re-watch some time, and probably make a list of all cited games.

NeverKnowsBest's storytelling, writing, and video-editing skills are amazing. I highly recommend it. This is my first time watching one of his videos, and I'm really happy with it.

My Thoughts

As mentioned before, this is my first time watching one of his videos. I was looking for some video about the history of video games, and I remember this being recommended as the second or third video in the list. I probably picked this one 'cause of the thumbnail and its fair length.

Every night before sleep I'd watch 20-30 minutes of it. It was a really enjoyable time and I remember spending part of my day wondering about the video, like, wondering what games and genres would appear in tonight's watch. It was like watching a TV show episode.

The fact that it covers in great detail every decade and events of the video-game industry, followed by the author's amazing storytelling ability, makes it a really interesting watch, where I wasn't only entertained but also could learn a couple things. Learning about how was the culture and video-games of eras from which I was far from being born made be develop a interest in these very old consoles - like Atari, NES and SNES - and their games. The way that the limiting technology forced the developers to come with creative solutions to develop these games, and how those solutions changed the industry. Analyzing how the marketing campaigns, controversies, game genres, and overall culture of older times were so distinct from what we have nowadays, and even more interestingly, how some aspects are still present, how and when they were born and developed over time. All of these aspects are covered in this video in an amazing way.

The video's conclusion on the current situation of the video game industry, which is a reflective look at all the history we've learned throughout the video till what we have nowadays, make us finish the video reflecting about several things, it's very thoughtful and it's the perfect way to end it.

Favorite Moments and Memories

  • The ritual of watching a few minutes of it before going to sleep was the start of a very cool routine.
  • The computer games part in the 90's decade section. It was very inspiring for me learning about the birth of computer FPS and their technical challenges
  • The 2000's section where it talks about the consoles such as the PS1, PS2, and Xbox 360, 'cause those were the consoles that I had as a kid, so it was very nostalgic to look back at these games
  • The reflective conclusion of the video, perfect ending

World and Life Events During My Watch

I started watching this in May 29, and finished it in June 15 (2024).

Other Notes

  • I want to learn more about John Carmack and how games like Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and Quake were programmed.
  • I should make a list of all games mentioned in the video